Ok, so I know its been a while since I've last blogged, but things around here have been pretty crazy lately.
First things first - Open House was actually pretty decent. Usually its crazy for Tour Guides and the rest of the Admissions staff because we're busy making sure everything is running smoothly. This year it seemed abnormally under control (at least it was from my standpoint) so the day was pretty fun. It was nice to work with all of the Tour Guides at once since our hours in the office are scattered throughout the week. All in all, we had a decent turn out despite the strange weather - on-and-off showers and outrageous humidity - so we were all pretty happy about that. If you're one of the people who attended Open House, we hope that you found it pretty informative! : )
Other than that, November is a crazy month once you get to college just because of the way the semester is set up. Basically, September is usually off to a slow start, with maybe only one or two tests or papers towards the end of the month because school is just beginning. October is when you would usually have the first round of midterms or projects due, so things start to pick up. November is crazier, however, due to a few things:
1.) School's been in session for a few months now, and most people start to get worn down from studying so much or working so much, or they're bored from the weekly routine in general.
2.) The second and maybe even third round of things are due because the semester is wrapping up.
3.) We have Thanksgiving break.
While I love nothing more than time at home with my family and an excuse for eating everything in sight, I usually find myself wishing that Thanksgiving was at a different time. This year, its abnormally late in the month. What this translates to in terms of the academic semester is that we have one last week of classes when we get back, with finals week following that. We have two and a half days of school, five days off, four days of school, three days off, and then finals begin. Its an inconvenient time to have such a hectic schedule, but I am definitely looking forward to break.
I'm so pumped about the line-up for my Turkey Day vacation:
- Wednesday: Taking the commuter rail home and meeting my parents and sister in Worcester to go to a concert. We're going to see The Eagles, and I couldn't be more excited. LOVE THEM!
- Thursday: Eat great food and watch the family bicker - what else could be better?
- Friday: Seeing my friends from home (YAY) and working on grad school applications (YUCK)
and -Saturday: Putting up the Christmas Tree with my fam for the first time in three years. Its one of my favorite traditions, but getting us all around at once to do it together is usually pretty tough. My mom has this thing about not putting the tree up too early, but because Thanksgiving is late this year, she's letting us do it while we're home. So pumped!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I just wanted to make a quick list of things that I am particularly thankful for this year. Its not just about the food, ya know... : )
~ My health, and the fact that I haven't gotten really sick yet this school year (knock on wood...)
~ My family - The best people in the world.
~ My roommate, who is brave enough to wake me up from a nap when I ask her to, knowing that I'll be ridiculously cranky when I get up.
~ My best friend, who still finds time to call me and listen to my crazy rants despite the fact that she has moved to London and is traveling through Europe with her graduate program.
~ My friends, especially my North End family, for helping me get through the craziness... and for being corny enough to have game nights and an early Thanksgiving dinner with me.
~ Everyone who has sacrificed anything to help me get to where I am today. I'm definitely in a good place in my life.
(Sorry for the corniness.. it wouldn't be my blog without some sort of sentimental touchy-feely crap, right?)
On that note, I need to go get some homework done. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! : )