I arrived back in Boston late on Saturday night, after spending the best week of my life in Mississippi. I went on Alternative Spring Break - something that Suffolk completely paid for - and spent the week working on a house in Waveland, where the eye of Hurricane Katrina hit. During the day, I worked on hanging sheet rock with some of our group, but at night we were able to hang out at the beach and explore the area. We had so much fun working on the job site and met some amazing people from the area. We worked on the inside of a house being built for an older couple, Bonnie and Jack. They are still living in the same trailor that they lived in before Katrina, only now its all moldy and causing both of them to have major health issues. While it was so sad to see Bonnie and Jack's current living conditions, their unwavering sense of hope and appreciation for our work was so inspiring; they were so happy, and their resilience was truly something I've never seen before. I honestly can't even put into words how moved I was by everyone and everything in Waveland.
Another cool part about the trip was that I learned how to build something. I now know how to use power tools, and am capable of putting up dry wall on the beams that support buildings. I was ridiculously exciting to see the house transform before our eyes from something that looked so empty, to something that really started to feel like a home. Here are some before and after pics of our work:
Before -

And after (TA-DA!!!) -

I was so proud of us! We accomplished so much in just five work days. While it felt great to help out and get so much done for Bonnie and Jack, the best part of the trip was meeting those who were on the trip with me. The people I spent last week with were honestly some of the best people I've ever met in my entire life. We had so much fun, and we had such a great vibe going all week long. We're actually all planning on hanging out again this weekend because we miss each other so much; it's corny but honestly these people are like family to me already. In the wise words of my friend, Michaela, "E-Harmony couldn't have picked a better group."
I could go on and on about this forever, but TJ told me I should wrap it up. One last thought: if you decide to go to Suffolk, definitely look into doing Alternative Spring Break; by far the best week of our lives.