Ugh, I feel like I haven't blogged in forever; there's so much to talk about!
Okay, first of all, Dane Cook was AMAZING! Seriously, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. He did mostly new stuff, but incorporated some fan favorites in there as well. He started off the show coming in wearing a Pats tee shirt, which was under a Celtics jersey, which was under a Red Sox jersey -- definitely showing some love for his hometown teams. I would go into detail of what he joked about, but most of the material is waaay too inappropriate for a college admissions blog... haha. I also don't want to spoil the show for those of you who are going to see him in next few weeks, and who are planning on buying his new cd or dvd "Rough Around the Edges." But I will say that he ended his Boston show with the car alarm bit playing on the big screen as people were filing out of the Garden, hence the obsecure title of this blog entry. If Dane is coming to your area to do a show, I highly suggest that you go, and definitely be sure to pick up the cd. Its well worth the $10. (Thanks for the pic, Carly!!)
We also had our Open House that same day. It was definitely crazy on the Suffolk campus that day, but our event was a huge success. About 1200 people came (insane!!), and we had professors from every department and reps from admission, financial aid, etc. to answer the important questions about Suffolk and the application process. To all of you who came, thank you so much, and we hope that we really helped answer all of your questions about Suffolk despite all of the chaos of having 20 tours running at one time! If you have anymore questions or want to take another tour please don't hesistate to stop by again. : )
After all that craziness that was Open House and Dane Cook, it was so nice to only have one more day of class before Thanksgiving break. Thankfully, I was able to go back home to the Middle-of-Nowhere, MA on Tuesday afternoon, and enjoy 4 days or so with my family. It was the first time that I was able to see my sister since August, so I was definitely glad to be back. I was also able to catch up with some friends from high school, which is always comforting for me because they haven't really changed since we started college. While going off to school is so fun and exciting, it really is great to come back to people who are still so fun to be around and who you are able to reminisce with. It was great because hanging out with my friends from high school was never awkward at all despite hardly seeing or talking to each other throughout the school year; we can just pick up where we left off. Sometimes thats exactly what you need.
I'm sorry about that sappy tangent... I think its the stress from FINALS that is causing me to be so emotional about everything.. haha. Seriously, though, I feel like I have so much stuff to do in the next two weeks that I'm going to sleep from the end of the semester until Christmas morning. I have two huge papers due on Monday, a test and another paper due on Wednesday, then three exams between the following Monday and Tuesday. After that, though, I am free from schoolwork until mid-January, which is going to be amazing. I cant wait!
Also, to alleviate some of the stress from finals week, we have our Winter Ball on next Friday night -- my one weekend night out before buckling down and burying myself in textbooks, flashcards and class notes for about 48 hours straight until my exams start. The tickets for the Ball are $20, and its going to be at the Seaport Hotel. I'm especially excited to go because I'm going with some of my fellow Ambassadors! It should be a good time! : )
Wow, thats definitely enough for now. Hope you enjoy the rambling!
Okay, first of all, Dane Cook was AMAZING! Seriously, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. He did mostly new stuff, but incorporated some fan favorites in there as well. He started off the show coming in wearing a Pats tee shirt, which was under a Celtics jersey, which was under a Red Sox jersey -- definitely showing some love for his hometown teams. I would go into detail of what he joked about, but most of the material is waaay too inappropriate for a college admissions blog... haha. I also don't want to spoil the show for those of you who are going to see him in next few weeks, and who are planning on buying his new cd or dvd "Rough Around the Edges." But I will say that he ended his Boston show with the car alarm bit playing on the big screen as people were filing out of the Garden, hence the obsecure title of this blog entry. If Dane is coming to your area to do a show, I highly suggest that you go, and definitely be sure to pick up the cd. Its well worth the $10. (Thanks for the pic, Carly!!)
We also had our Open House that same day. It was definitely crazy on the Suffolk campus that day, but our event was a huge success. About 1200 people came (insane!!), and we had professors from every department and reps from admission, financial aid, etc. to answer the important questions about Suffolk and the application process. To all of you who came, thank you so much, and we hope that we really helped answer all of your questions about Suffolk despite all of the chaos of having 20 tours running at one time! If you have anymore questions or want to take another tour please don't hesistate to stop by again. : )
After all that craziness that was Open House and Dane Cook, it was so nice to only have one more day of class before Thanksgiving break. Thankfully, I was able to go back home to the Middle-of-Nowhere, MA on Tuesday afternoon, and enjoy 4 days or so with my family. It was the first time that I was able to see my sister since August, so I was definitely glad to be back. I was also able to catch up with some friends from high school, which is always comforting for me because they haven't really changed since we started college. While going off to school is so fun and exciting, it really is great to come back to people who are still so fun to be around and who you are able to reminisce with. It was great because hanging out with my friends from high school was never awkward at all despite hardly seeing or talking to each other throughout the school year; we can just pick up where we left off. Sometimes thats exactly what you need.
I'm sorry about that sappy tangent... I think its the stress from FINALS that is causing me to be so emotional about everything.. haha. Seriously, though, I feel like I have so much stuff to do in the next two weeks that I'm going to sleep from the end of the semester until Christmas morning. I have two huge papers due on Monday, a test and another paper due on Wednesday, then three exams between the following Monday and Tuesday. After that, though, I am free from schoolwork until mid-January, which is going to be amazing. I cant wait!
Also, to alleviate some of the stress from finals week, we have our Winter Ball on next Friday night -- my one weekend night out before buckling down and burying myself in textbooks, flashcards and class notes for about 48 hours straight until my exams start. The tickets for the Ball are $20, and its going to be at the Seaport Hotel. I'm especially excited to go because I'm going with some of my fellow Ambassadors! It should be a good time! : )
Wow, thats definitely enough for now. Hope you enjoy the rambling!
How excited are you for the ball! You are beaming with excitment! : )
grey's??? Come on, we all know that show's gone down hill faster than desperate housewives!!
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