Wow, things around here have been really crazy lately! This, of course, is mostly because THE RED SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES!!! As many of you may have seen on TV (or came to see in person) the city went into Red Sox Hysteria on Tuesday during the parade. It was a good time, but not for those who don't like massive crowds. This picture was taken from Boston.com, and its actually right by our 150 Tremont St. dorm, so as you can see, Suffolk kids were right in the heart of it all. My friends and I were standing right across from 73 Tremont St. and got an awesome view of the players as they passed by on the Duck Boats. The energy from the fans was crazy, and the whole experience was definitely one of those things that will stick out the most to me when I think about my college career. Two words: Re-sign Lowell.
Also, the Up 'til Dawn fundraiser for St. Jude Children's Hospital was a great success! We were all so happy with the turnout, and it was great to see so many people working together and having fun at the event you've been working hard to plan for months. Overall, Suffolk students sent out around 2,000 letters to family and friends asking them for donations that go directly to the hospital. One student alone mailed out 473 letters, which was pretty crazy. Last year we raised more than $18,000 and we're really hoping to break that record this year. I'm feeling pretty confident about it though; I'm hoping that Suffolk can make St. Jude's proud! : )
Go Red Sox!!
What a difference a hyphen makes. I believe you meant these two words -- "Re-sign Lowell" -- at least that's what was being chanted by the crowd where I was standing...
We know the Patriots are going to impress, but I hope be geta parade for the Celtics too!!!! Or how bout the Revolution!! There'd be 7 of us, but it would be awesome!!!!
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